How to check a website before reaching an SEO agency - Seo Tools And Tips


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Mar 6, 2020

How to check a website before reaching an SEO agency

How to check a website before reaching an SEO agency?

seo website check
Before reaching an SEO agency, test your website with available tools. Most of the tools are free. This website provides a listing of some of them. When you review your site by yourself, you get the basic picture where your website is. The website condition. You will know the basic recommendations on how to improve your web. And you won't have to pay for basic adjustments.
Mobile-first approach - I don't have to repeat. Simply responsive design always and everywhere. Beware of images, videos and other elements. When you change the screen, the page must not become confusing. No matter on mobile screen or when rendered on a desktop. Confirm multiple resolutions and how the page renders.
Website Speed - check the speed of loading and rendering web pages. See recommendations on what to change or rearrange on the page for faster rendering. Use Google Page Speed Insights, use Varvy test speed tool or some other tools. You will get general instructions, what is wrong with the page, number and size of loaded files, scripts, gzip, image size, cache expiration settings and more .... more on-page Website speed.
Website SEO - a website must have content. You create the content, and you want people to understand the information on a web page. Make sure you have a matching meta description, titles, correct word count, and use the right words on each page. The right words are the words that are used in ordinary life. Words people search for. For example, football and soccer. The whole world is talking about football, but in some countries (not only US), but it is also talking about soccer. By this way, you can check each article you created. But do not worry, Google checks the web page content by the bot. The bot does not look at the web page meta tag description and file your web page according to what is written in the meta tag description. Because you want it. No, the bot works based Google rules. Any way to make the things clear, we recommend to have matching all things each other on the web page. Make the bot work easy.
Google trends, Seo small tools, Neil Patel page and many other free SEO tools can help you. If you write the content yourself and you know what you are writing about. Then you will not have the problem to write many words and sentences. But if you have a topic, you don't know much about, you need to hire an external source to write the articles. Or you need to start a study to be able to write about the topic. Make your decision and deliver the best content.
When you hire a professional to write articles. For EN version of the web page, you will have no problem finding the right person, but for foreign languages? Speak with the community and ask for the recommendation. Or check offers on Freelancer, Upwork, Legit and other marketplaces. Not everyone is a good person to write about your topic. The ideal is to find a person who understands what you want to write about. A person living in India cannot write about life in California. If he never visited Los Angeles.
Try to optimize not only the text but the headings, page titles and menu items. So that the title tells to the reader, what he can expect from the article. You can use the tools to generate titles, headlines, descriptions, and others. The heading tags /h1,h2,h3,h4,h5/ main purpose is to make the page understandable and readable.
Define everything what Google search for - define a language and when needed the country, such as en-US or en-GB / language code /. Use meta tags to define the content. Keep the content logical and easy to read. Make sure that you highlight important terms in your article. Make the links from one page to another for the detailed explanation of the content. Or for the additional external source information. For example, the link from the main page to another page. The page that provides the detailed answer for the raised question.
Allow your website to be shared on social networks. And create your own social pages. If you create a Facebook page and don't post articles, then your Facebook page will tell FB users = "content is not up to date - does the author update the website?" Find out on which social networks and in which groups are your target audience. This is a place where you must be seen.
Design, user comfort - ideally ask your friends to tell you what they like or would change on the website. Consider their comments and make changes if necessary. Check out your competitors' website design. Take good things and improve what you don't like. Check how your page appears in Google search /use Google snippet tool search/.
You should check and judge the website appearance from many angles. Talk about possible modifications with different people. Then make the decision and set the direction.
Before publishing, check the appearance and functionality of the website. For example on Codepen or W3schools website. Test the site with free SEO tools.

Notify Google about your new website, webpage and all changes you've made

After making changes, when you�re happy with your work, tell Google about that. Register a website on Google Console, add an Analytics Tracking number, update your Sitemap, robots.txt, index web page, ask for crawling, and so on.
Find out who is your competition. Enter the right questions into Google search. And browse through the web pages displayed on the first page. You should do this at least once a month to keep track of the field where you operate. Also, note who is paying for the ad for your target audience. And, of course, go through the traffic to your competitor's site. From what countries and sources they get the most traffic. One of the tools that will give you general information is the Hypestat website.
Note: learn from others, explore the solutions used, and find the best one for your website. Concentrate on the website, you're working on. Each project is different. The result should be unique and different from other websites.
This is the bare minimum that we can, of course, extend with more tips. I recommend visiting the website seorankingspro or

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