How to get quality backlinks for FREE [GUIDE]
Hello again, dear reader! Today I am here to teach you how to get free quality backlinks for your web project. You must keep in mind that today the link building (or get links for your project) is a very important SEO factor to rank terms in Google
Therefore, if you want to position your projects in the Google SERPs it will be essential that you get these backlinks or links to your website.
However, not everything is so simple. If you only dedicate yourself to obtaining links to your website in an "unnatural" way, Google will suspect and may penalize you.
Therefore, if you want to know where to get the best backlinks for your website and not be penalized read on, you will find everything below.
Let's go with it!
Contents Index
What is a backlink?
A backlink is a link that you receive from an external website to yours. That is, every time a page puts a link to yours you will have got a backlink or a link.More simply, you can understand getting a backlink as a positive vote that you receive for Google. That is to say, it is as if every time they link you they will confirm to Google that the information you offer on your website is of quality for the user.
Therefore, the more links or backlinks pointing to your website the better SEO positioning you will get.
Can my backlinks improve my SEO?
Of course!As you have seen before, getting quality links for your website will only improve your SEO.
However, you must get them naturally. That is, if your web project gets 200 external links or backlinks in less than a month, Google will suspect and investigate you.
In case the number of backlinks to the web project increases in a "rare" way, the main search engines may penalize you since they will have understood that you have voluntarily altered this positioning factor.
Therefore, as I always say, patience and consistency in obtaining links.
What types of links or backlinks exist?
If until now you had thought that all the links that you had obtained to your web page I am sorry to tell you that you were wrong.There are two types of links on the internet:
Dofollow links
These types of links are the ones created by default. This kind of backlinks transfer web authority (link juice) from one domain to another and are the ones that you will have to get to improve your web positioning.These types of links are the ones that will generally be used unless you are going to link to a web page with “doubtful” content. To link this type of websites, the following links were created ...
Nofollow links:
This kind of links does not transfer web authority or link juice. Therefore, these backlinks will be less interesting than the previous ones if what you are looking for is to appear first on Google.
This kind of backlinks use the rel = ”nofollow” tag to not transfer their authority and thus only derive web traffic at best. Therefore, the bad reputation enjoyed by these links is excessive. Keep in mind that although these links do not transfer authority if they transfer web traffic (visits) which is not bad.
Also, having a reasonable amount of nofollow links will make your link profile more natural in the eyes of Google.
What are the best backlinks that exist?
You must understand that not all links pointing to your website will have the same value. That is, not everyone will have the same quality. Therefore, you have to know what are the so-called quality links that point to your website.In SEO, When making a link building campaign it is better to get a few quality backlinks to get many poor quality links.
Therefore, the best links you can get for your website will be those that:
They come from websites with high authority or a high DA.Be contextual. That is, that they integrate perfectly into the content of the web and are not forced.
Have a high click or CTR percentage. You will look for those links in which people by context or information click on them.
They are on pages with little outbound links. If the page where your link is located has many other outbound links, the link juice of that page will be distributed among all of them. Therefore, if so, the link achieved on that web page will be of little value to your web positioning, no matter how much this is dofollow.
Therefore, and as a summary, when the link comes from a web page with few outbound links, high authority and the link is completely natural in the text so that users click on it you can say that you have achieved a quality backlink.
Where can I get free backlinks?
There are numerous websites where you can get free backlinks that point to your website, otherwise, it will be that these backlinks are of quality.Keep in mind that any website that allows you to easily enter links will almost certainly be attacked by spammers with the same objective as yours. If so, the links that come from that website will be of very low quality.
Anyway, and as I usually say, a link is a link and they all add up better or worse.
Therefore, if it does not take you too long to create these low-quality dofollow links I recommend that you get them.
Then I leave a series of web pages where you can get free backlinks for your website easily in exchange for filling out a simple registration form.
The Forums:
The forums are a double-edged sword, especially if they are created with the content manager vBulletin.In this type of websites, you can get links both in the public profile of the forum and in the signature of it.
Tip: Post several posts in the same forum. This will make your signature with backlink appear as many times as possible and you will have more chances of Google indexing that link.
Every blog or newspaper worth its salt has a space to comment on the news or the post in question.Many of these sites ask you to comment on a series of data such as your website. That's where you should leave your dofollow link.
Tip: do not use your name to comment unless you seek to improve your brand. Instead, use the anchor text or keyword for which you want to position yourself.
A disused classic.Most of these link farms ... I mean, directories, will allow you to leave your link in exchange for filling out a simple registration form.
These types of websites provide little value unless your web authority is high. Therefore, I recommend that you do not waste much time on them.
How to get quality backlinks thanks to the Link Building:
We understand by link building the set of SEO techniques based on the achievement of links for a web page to improve organic web positioning (SEO).That is when we talk about link building we refer to the set of actions to improve the number of external links or backlinks that a website receives.
Keep in mind that getting quality links naturally using inbound marketing techniques (high-quality content) is complicated. Therefore, to improve your web positioning you will have to use the following link building techniques.
Link Building thanks to my ebook:
If you are looking to get your first backlinks without much effort, I recommend you download my ebook where you will find 50 dofollow backlinks.Make Link Building a Guest post base:
This method consists of a simple exchange.On the one hand, the guest editor writes a post for another's blog. This, in turn, lets you include within that post that you have written a limited number of backlinks to your website.
In this way, both parties win. On the one hand, the blogger who receives the post gets new quality content for his blog (fresh content) and the guest editor gets links to his website.
These types of exchanges are very common between bloggers (influencers) and new bloggers who seek to gain a foothold in the world based on healthy links and good authority.
I do not usually recommend writing to market leaders if your blog is very new since in general, the influencer will not be interested in you by not having a strong personal brand on the internet.
Therefore, and as advice, at first write to websites and blog with a web authority similar to yours to grow.
A typed message that you could send to a webmaster or blogger to post a guest post on your blog would be:
Hi …!I contact you because I've been following your blog and the
It would be a pleasure for me to be part of it as a guest author
since I think the information I could offer would be interesting for your target audience.
I'll introduce myself. I dedicate myself to ... since
my web ... In my blog, I write articles dedicated to ...
I hope you are interested in my collaboration proposal since this proposal I think would be
Beneficial for both parties.
I look forward to your response
Thank you
Improve your SEO positioning thanks to the Round Post:
The Round Post is a kind of round of questions and answers in which a blogger asks a series of questions to a certain number of experts on a topic so that they give their opinion about it in a post.In the past, it was an effective way of networking and that the leaders of the sector knew you but currently this technique is in doldrums due to its overexploitation.
Networking as a Link Building Strategy:
Networking is a very powerful weapon today both to get contacts and customers and to improve your web positioning through links or backlinks.Therefore, do not close in your room and leave your home in search of possible alliances and synergies that help you progress in your sector.
Once you get a solid network of contacts you will have more possibilities to get quality links to your website.
Repairs of broken links or backlinks:
Another very laborious but effective technique when it comes to getting links for your web project is to review broken links.This SEO error may slightly undermine the web positioning of a project. Therefore, if you detect a broken link on a website that fits your theme, notify the webmaster and this as a thank you can put a link to your website.
When you detect one of these broken links you will have to write an email to the webmaster of the type:
Good Morning,
Browsing its website I have detected that the link "..." in the post "..." is broken and redirects to an error page 404. Maybe I could replace that link with "...". This link talks about the topic you want to refer to and it will surely be very useful to the users of your website.
Thank you
Improve your Link Building thanks to image positioning:
Did you think that the images you uploaded to a post were of no use?Sorry to let you know that this is not the case. b> The images are usually the files that take up the most storage space on your web page. Therefore, many webmasters try not to host them on their website to save resources.
That said, many of these webmasters directly copy the URL of the external image to put it in yours. This saves you server and it generates a beautiful dofollow backlink. Therefore, work your images.
Tip: The most propitious images to be used by other webmaster are the results of surveys, analytical results, generalist images without letters, commercial images free of watermarks, etc.
Get backlinks on resource web pages:
If your website offers quality information it is very possible that you can get fabulous backlinks thanks to the resources web pages.These types of websites collect third-party resources such as images, documents, courses, etc. Therefore, if you are looking for less common and spammed backlinks, check this kind of websites.
Link Building thanks to blogs 2.0:
You can get links to free and auxiliary blogs on the different platforms enabled for it such as WIX, Blogspot, etc.Once you have created a couple of articles in the free blog (they will not even have to be good) you can send a couple of contextual links and improve your SEO positioning.
Anyway, keep in mind that this kind of links is very guarded by Google. My advice is to write at least five articles before sending any link to your website. In this way, Google will understand the linked as natural.
Get links thanks to your voice:
There are many web pages where you can upload audio tracks modified or created by yourself.These types of websites are perfect for getting backlinks from your profile on the platform or from the audio track description itself.
Press releases to improve your SEO:
On this subject, I already spoke in this post about press releases and how they improve SEO.You can upload a press release to one of these websites and in the process place a nice contextual backlink in these releases.
Get quality backlinks on WIKIS:
You can get quality links on the different wikis that exist on the network. I have linked even in the very Wikipedia within the references section.However, for these links to be accepted in time and not removed from the references, they must be quality and contextual.
Links or backlinks from classified ads websites:
There are classified ads web pages that will allow you to fill in a web field and from there get a nice dofollow link to your web page.Many of these links can be found on the websites of purchase/sale of web pages. Undoubtedly, these links are uncommon and sparse.
RSS aggregators to improve your Link Building:
The RSS aggregators of your website can be a perfectly useful ally when it comes to improving your Link Building.Therefore, you should not cover this RSS feeds in your WordPress since you will be putting obstacles to get free backlinks.
Conclusion on backlinks:
As you have seen throughout this post, backlinks are an important part to consider if you want to appear in the top positions of Google.Therefore, you should not neglect even the smallest detail when carrying out a link building strategy (write down each link obtained in an Excel).
On the other hand, you have seen how even though any link to your website is valid, not all backlinks are the same. Therefore, you will always look for the least spammed links and with the least number of outbound links.
Finally, remind you that in any Link Building strategy worth its salt, the patience and naturalness of success so as not to fall into a penalty.
Until next time thanks!
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